نوع مقاله : مقاله علمی پژوهشی
1 دانشیار جامعة المصطفی العالمیه/ halavimehr5@gmail.com
2 دانشجوی دکتری قرآن و حدیث دانشگاه علوم و معارف قرآن کریم قم
عنوان مقاله [English]
نویسندگان [English]
“Ikhtilafu’l Qira’at” (differences among recitations) are divided into two general types: Differences in the "principles of recitations" that often have no effect on the meaning and differences in the "Farshu’l hurouf" [checking each word in its position] which can affect the meaning. There are different types of differences in the "farshu’l hurouf" itself: "differences in word structure", "differences in I’rab" [grammatical cases], "differences in root of word" or "increment and decrement of letters".
In this article, after explaining these differences, an attempt has been made to enumerate them in Surah Al-Kahf and to examine their effect on interpretive interpretation. In this way, we first counted the differences in Surah Al-Kahf, which are more than 50, and categorized them according to the mentioned types. Then, based on the components of importance, we selected five cases of priority differences, namely "tazawaru", "thamar", "khairan minha", "al-walaya" and "nusayyiru" for a more detailed study. These cases were examined in the fields of "morphology", "syntax", "vocabulary" and finally "interpretation". Interesting statistics are obtained during these studies; among other things, although about 70% of the differences are in the type ‘farshu’l hurouf’ of recitations; But among these, very limited cases have a significant effect on the interpretation of the Holy Qu’ran, which is also a point of disagreement for commentators.
کلیدواژهها [English]
23معمر بن المثنی، ابوعبیده، مجاز القرآن، تحقیق: فؤاد سزگین، مکتبة خوانجی، قاهرة، 1381 هـ. ق