نوع مقاله : مقاله علمی پژوهشی
1 دانشـجوی دکتـری رشـته مدرسـی معـارف ،گـرایش قـرآن و متـون اسـلامی دانشـگاه معـارف اسـلامی قم(
2 استاد جامعه المصطفی العالمیه
عنوان مقاله [English]
نویسندگان [English]
There are different and, in some cases, conflicting viewpoints concerning the founding of elocution [tajwid]. On the one hand, some consider it as a general art that is not specific to Islam, Quran, and Hadith; On the other hand, Quranic research scholars express it from the teachings of the Quran, which has a significant effect on the understanding of the meanings of the Quran as much as possible. Therefore, this article, after examining the viewpoints of thinkers concerning the founders and purposes of the establishing elocution [tajwid], expressing and analyzing the evolution of this science, proving the origin of elocution [tajwid], after revealing the Holy Quran, seeks to answer the fundamental question that what is the direct and indirect role of the Quran in the origin and founding of elocution [tajwid]. The method of this research is analytical-descriptive, which answers the main question by examining the Quranic verses and the sayings of the Infallible Ones [A.S]. The results of the research indicate that the direct role of the Quran in the emergence of elocution [tajwid] are: encouraging to observe calmness in recitation [qira’t]; semantic harmony of tartil and elocution [tajwid] in the Quran; elocution [tajwid] as the preface of contemplation in Quranic verses; the right to recite and link it to understanding the meanings of the Quran; and inviting the Qur'an to follow the role-models of the behavioral norms of the Prophet (P). The indirect role of the Quran, which is achieved by authorizing the hadith and tradition [sunnat] of the Infallible Ones (A.S), are: valuing the teaching and learning of the Quran; emphasis on tartil with a good voice; command to learn recitation [qira’t] and elocution [tajwid]; explanation and definition of tartil and elocution [tajwid]. The above factors as an indicator of the effectiveness of the Quran in establishing elocution [tajwid].
کلیدواژهها [English]
یاقوت حموی، ابوعبدالله شهاب الدین، دار الغرب الاسلامی، بیروت: 1417 ق.